Sunday, May 11, 2008


I would like to tell my mom "HAPPY MOTHER'S DAY" and let her know how much I love her. I feel so blessed to call her "mom" She is so funny, she can make anyone laugh and not just any laugh she has a great sense of humor. She is also a good grandma to my kids. Thanks mom for being "you" and all you do for us. WE LOVE YOU!

Now for my mother's day. Ryanna made me a keychain at school and a Mother's Day booklet. Here is one page from it: ONLY ONE MOTHER
M any things you do for me.
O ne person that understands.
T housands of people but only you.
H ere when I fall.
E veryone would want a mom like you.
R eady to face anything.
She also wrote a Mother's Day essay and won first place. I still need to get a copy of it. She won me a rose (it is beautiful) Thanks Ryanna I love you!

Brayden made me a picture it has his handprint and a cut out heart in the middle of it with a stem like a flower. Then there is a poem:

A "piece of me
I give to you.
I painted this flower
to say, "I love you."

The heart is you.
The hand is me.
To show we are friends-
The best there can be.

I hope you will save it
And look back someday
At the flower we shared
On your special day.

Thank you Brayden. I love you too!

All you mother's out there have a HAPPY MOTHER'S DAY!


Grandma Scott said...

Thank you for that tribute. You are a wonderful daughter and are so dear to me. I have the best kids in the world. You all make me so proud of the "Mothers" you turned out to be. You are a great example for your children to follow. I love there poems and they are very true. Enjoy every minute of them growing up because it goes fast. Thank you for being you. Love you all.