Tuesday, April 22, 2008

Tag - For the love of my hubby

What is your husband's name? Ryan Jeffrey Stevens

How long have you been married? 12 years

Where & how did you meet? Blind date, thanks to my brother-in-law Shawn, they met in the MTC. Ryan said he wanted a "fiesty blonde", Shawn didn't know any, until he met me. (I think Ryan got a little more "fiesty" than he intended)

How long did you date? For 6 months until we were engaged

Where did you honeymoon? Disneyland

Who eats more? Ryan, but I snack more

Who said "I love you" first? Ryan

Who has more speeding tickets? Ryan

Who can sing better? That one's a toss up we both suck at singing

Who is smarter? Ryan

Who is more sensitive? me

When there is a fight, who usually wins? me (well I'd have to say Ryan wins/scores with the making up part)W

Who does the laundry? me

Who does the dishes? me

Who sleeps on the right? Ryan

Who pays the bills? me

Who mows the lawn? neither, we don't have one

Who cooks dinner? usually I do, but if Ryan does it's eggs

Who drives when you are together? Ryan

Who is more stubborn? um, that would be me

Who kissed whom first? Ryan, but I made the first move to let him know it was okay

Who asked who out first? blind date

Who proposed? well if you ask me Ryan did, if you ask Ryan I did after two weeks

Who has more siblings? Ryan-8, me-4

Who wears the pants in the family? I would like to think I do but I'm afraid Ryan does



Grandma Scott said...

I read this all the time but I don't have a blog and you now all the answers. I love your bolg. Keep writing it and letting me enjoy it. Love you all.